We Can Help You With:
Non-Traditional Services
No Parking Boards: It’s a very cost effective media to advertise in a close vicinity. Glokal is the most rusted and leading advertising agency for No Parking Boards execution.
- Look Walker : The Look Walker also known as (iwlaker, Human Banner, Ad walker) is an innovative mobile form of Advertising. being an innovative marketing solution aids in attracting and engaging target audiences. In this kind of medium Look Walkers moves in and around the target area. Lookwalker can also distribute pamphlets or samples as per the requirement of the client. In this kind of advertisement, person carries a billboard on his back and then moves in the target area of the brand. Glokal provide Look Walker service PAN INDIA
- Newspaper Insertion: Leaflet Distribution through news paper is the cheapest medium of advertising and it can also be done hyper locally. Newspaper insertion can be done in A5, A4, A3 and Full page sizes. Glokal is no. 1 BTL agency which provide PAN India service for newspaper insertion.
- Others: Offline advertising is such a vast medium that we can list all the activities but being leading BTL advertising agency we also have expertise in Tea Stall Branding, Mumbai Dabbawala activation, sampling activities, distribution through e-commrce apps and lot other customized activities.

Newspaper Insertion
Look Walker